We want to make this a forever smile...

We want to make this a forever smile...
We want to make this a forever smile...

Friday, December 24, 2010

We have family all over the world:)

This is a letter from Dasha's host family in NC.  Talk about some wonderful people, who are dealing with a lot of life issues these days.  We wouldn't even know of Dasha if it weren't for them...I am loving our life:)

Hi Danielle,
We just received your Christmas card.  Since Dasha has been gone, we have worried so much about her future.  Up to this point, we haven't even mentioned your family adopting her when we send letters.  I guess knowing that life can change on a dime and there are sooooo many things that could affect the adoption process like raising the large amount of money needed, other concerns your family may need to deal with prior to the finalization and the process on the U.S. and Ukrainain sides, we were afraid to include this in our letters...........afraid to build up her hopes until the adoption was 100% complete.  In the beginning when she first went back, I even included our email address and phone number in letters so if the unthinkable happened, she could contact us if she was set free on the streets of the Ukraine.  We know how life has let her down already.  We do believe in God, but also are aware that tragedy happenes to good people all the time.  Once I received your Chrismas card, a calm came over  me.  I can't explain it.  I have know for a while now that no one has ever been more determined or worked soooo hard to adopt a child than your family but I was still afraid.  I am not anymore.  It is like the pictures on your Christmas card were all pieces of a puzzle that fit so perfectly.  That everything is as it is meant to be..........and though the clock still ticks, in the end there will be a beautiful chime.  Todays letter told Dasha how happy we are that such an amazing family is trying sooooo hard to adopt her, and we can't wait until she is a part of your family celebrating Christmas.  I am crying as I write this.  Crying tears of joy that you are such a wonderful person with such a loving heart, and how lucky Dasha is to be part of such a nice family. 
We love you.  Merry Christmas.
The Marsalo's

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Just a quick update to let you know that the vote in Ukraine (to stop international adoptions) has been postponed until the session taking place Dec. 21-24.  It was scheduled for today.  Our adoption agent remains very optimistic about the outcome, so we do too!

We sent Dasha a letter last week, and I got an email from the translator who said she was overjoyed to read it...I guess she isn't YET the teenager who thinks she's "too cool" for her mom & dad:)

I will keep you posted on the vote, or anything else that might occur before then. :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

another letter from Dasha!

My dear Mother!

I love you so much and i miss you very much. I want to move to US as soon as possible.  I am happy that Marina visits our orphanage and we learn English with her.  I look at your pictures very often.  I love God very much and I always pray about my adoption.

We had a concert at the orphanage, and I was dancing waltz in a very beautiful dress, it was pink.

I love you all very much, I am so thankful to Laura that I met you.

Please write me, I wait for your letters very much.



Monday, November 22, 2010


In the past 4 months, our lives have dramatically changed.  In June, our family faced an unimaginable tragedy...I can't believe I once thought it was something we wouldn't get through...I can't believe I thought my sister wouldn't survive the loss of her husband.  What I've witnessed with my own eyes since then, is nothing short of a miracle...it's nothing short of God's work.  Since June 21st, Michelle has become a survivor.  She's strong...she's an amazing mother, daughter, sister and friend.  

God has orchestrated & intertwined...He's planned & intervened. We are moving forward in Dasha's adoption, and if you consider that everything began the weekend of August 14th...I'd say He is working quite rapidly!  The friends we've met throughout this journey will be in our lives forever. Just when Al and I think that people cannot possibly be any more generous, any more giving, any more loving...we get smacked in the face by reality!  That is exactly what you all are...a million times over.  We were blessed today by some amazing friends...I would like you all to know that we are within $5,000 of our goal...no, that's not a typo!  

We are beyond thankful to all of you, and SO many more....we are anxiously awaiting  news that the Embassy will  approve our request to adopt Dasha (becauseUkraine is halting adoptions from 11/30-2/1, we need to plead with the Embassy) , and they will make some exceptions so that we may "stake our claim" on OUR daughter.  Please keep up your prayers!!  You are all amazing!!

Al, Danielle, Dasha, Gracie, Bella, Maddy, & Kate

have fun, and support Dasha too!:)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More news...

It appears that from Nov. 30-Feb. 1, Ukraine will not be accepting adoption applications/forms.  Clearly, this puts a big damper on our "get Dasha before she turns 16" plan.  We mailed in our I600-A yesterday, but there isn't even a 1% chance we could file in Ukraine before the 30th.  Luckily, our awesome adoption agent David is working SO HARD to make this adoption possible.  It looks like Al and I might be able to travel to Ukraine in a month-ish to register with the US Embassy in Ukraine, so that we are able to proceed with the adoption even after Dasha turns 16.  This would be a 2-3 day trip, and only to get us "in" before it's too late...Dasha still won't be home until February, or even March.  We took this as a blow initially, but are choosing to move forward with the utmost believe that DASHA IS OUR DAUGHTER, AND WILL BE COMING HOME.  Until an official looks me in the eye and says "no, the adoption will not happen and we will sue you for stalking"  I will push...I will call, write, email, whoever I have to, as many times as I have to...we will not give up, and we will not lose hope....

Thanks for the prayers & support!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Prayers Please

Good Morning All~

I had an extensive phone conversation with David (our adoption agent) last night.  After well over an hour, I hung up the phone feeling a little defeated.  

Our current timeline is this...I need to drive to Novi, MI today to pick up the home study (can't waste time in the mail).  I need to mail it to the US Immigration Office today and they need to have it by Monday.  Following that, every office/officer/official/agency that we deal with needs to work about 1-2 weeks faster than the normal schedule.  When we receive our invitation to be finger printed (for the 2nd time of 4:) we need to ignore the appointment time (which is typically 3 weeks out), head right into the selected location, and wait there until they agree to fingerprint us THAT DAY.  I will also be headed to Lansing to get about 27 documents apostilled, I'm sure they will be sooo glad to see me:)

So guess what, for 2 hours last night I panicked and let fear set in.  And then I slapped myself around and realized I WOULD NOT LET THIS HAPPEN.  Dasha is our daughter, and she IS coming home.  So instead of crying the night away, I re-organized every single paper and document we have.  They are separated into a timeline, we know what we have to do, and when.  For her adoption to be completed in time, we need everything to fall into place...without any delays, and with many items actually being expedited.  So that is what will happen...I am just asking for your prayers along the way...

Something worth noting...David (adoption agent) is very encouraging.  He is realistic and honest, and tells me that there cannot be mistakes or delays.  But he told me not to give up, just to move forward.  So that is the plan. I will trust David, the expert, in a process that is so overwhelming & intimidating it's easy to get lost in the mix...

Dasha~we will not give up...it's the least we can do, for a 15 year old girl who hasn't given up either.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God's Goodness

These last few weeks have been HUGE in the adoption process.  We've been blessed beyond belief; donations from across the country, SO many people who've given us time at events & fundraisers..you all are in our hearts forever.  The prayers keep us all going:)!  I am so excited, SO EXCITED, to say that we are down to needing less than $10,000.  It is because of ALL OF YOU!  We are so close to bringing Dasha home..we'll continue to draw from our own account to add to her fund, as well as maybe 1 or 2 more events.  She has to be here by February...so we still need to push hard.  But we are 150% that our 5th daughter will be here soon.  Thank you...

I just got off the phone with one of the strongest women I have ever known.  Amy is Violet's mom...you all know Violet because we've mentioned her several times...I know  many of you prayed for her as she worked so hard to fight cancer.  Al and I asked Dasha a few months ago (in our letter) to accept our last name, and the middle name Violet.  She said she would love to:)...we wanted to also get permission from Amy & Justin.  They agreed...

We are honored to say that soon we will be a family of 7, with the addition of Dasha Violet Littel.  To us, the name Violet means strength, courage, bravery, angelic, faith, hope, and love.  It is beautiful, and is forever embedded in our hearts.  Our beautiful new daughter is named after an angel who changed 100s of lives in her 6 short months on earth.  We love the Rhoads family, and we are so grateful they've allowed us to carry Violet's name on, into our family.

God is so perfect...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Watch Fox 17!

Hey everybody!!  Don't forget to watch Fox 17 News tonight at 10pm...they are featuring Orphan Justice Mission and will be talking about Dasha too!!

Thanks to everyone for your support!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Vicksburg High School

My cousin Katie Harrison is a senior at Vicksburg...she took the initiative to organize a "hat day" fundraiser for Dasha...she lead the students in raising $517.20!!  Can you believe it??!!  These young adults REALLY need to be recognized for their generosity...in a society where we so often criticize teenagers, this just proves what they are REALLY about!!

Katie~ you had an amazing idea and you put it into action within in a matter of days...no one asked you to help, no one prompted your support.  You should be super proud of yourself, I know we are.  This has really touched our hearts...when Dasha arrives, you should know that a big part of it, is thanks to you!

Vicksburg High School~ YOU ROCK!

Monday, October 25, 2010

We received a letter from Dasha!

Dasha was able to reply to our letter...here is the translation!  We are like kids in a candy store after reading this...our joy is THROUGH THE ROOF!

Hello my dear mother,
I am so happy that I am part of your family now. I do want to move to USA. I love you very much and I do want to have your last name. I am so happy that I have 4 sisters. And I know that paper work for my adoption is not easy. But I am so happy that I will have mother and father.

I love you so very much,


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thank you SO much!

Last night was a BIG success!!  We have not counted the final total, but it looks to be right around $4,000 that will go to the Dasha fund after the  fundraiser dinner!  Wow, praise God for that!!

Thank you BEYOND words to TJ, Pastor Jeff, Chief Hadley & Sheriff Fuller, and all of the K-Wings Eric, Sam, Bryan, Jay & Slappy!! You guys are what made this a success...your generosity is so uplifting...

Thanks to Kyle Douglass & Fox 17 News!

Thanks to Kevin Van Dam, The K-Wings, Kelli Douglass, Kyle Douglass, Bob & Susan, Migala, Design Details, Lambarths, Kurt McCamman, Katrina Severance, Caitlin Miller, Barb Miller, Brenda & Marsha for your silent auction donations!!

Thanks to bd's for helping us organize the fundraiser!

Thanks to Shaelie, who truly made the night run smooth for us...I am lucky to have a friend who is such a great organizer and leader..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010




WHERE:     Mongolian Grill bd’s       5311 S Westnedge Ave Portage, MI 49002
WHENMonday, October 18, 5:00pm-9:00pm

This is a Pre-Purchased Ticket Event

Tickets include ALL YOU CAN EAT Stir-fry/Dessert/Drink/Tip

KIDS(10 & Under): $10



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Up to date list of Auction Items!

TRUE home gym set
area rug donated from Migala ($1000 value)
wedding dress (beautiful $2000 value)
iPhone 3G 16 GIG with cover
mom's night off gift card basket
2 make-up sessions
2 childcare sleepovers (parents night out:)
salon/spa gift certificates
JavaFit Coffee
2 four hour childcare sessions in your home with a licensed RN
3 night stay for a family of 4 at Oak Cove Resort
two children's bike helmets (brand new) with  bike riding safety information packets for each and a water bottle with each from the  Safe Nogginz organizations
2 blenders
Yamaha Snowmobile Saddlebag
  Kereg coffee maker  with extra coffee
photography session
1 hour massage in your home (women only)
Thanksgiving treats delivered to your door on Thanksgiving morning (pies, cookies, cakes, rolls etc)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The auction and dinner will be held on October 18...I will know the times this Tuesday after we meet with the marketing coordinator at Mongolian BBQ...

We are looking for "guest grillers"  TJ DUCKETT has already agreed to be one of them...what an amazingly generous man!!  We are blessed!!

I will get an updated auction list out tomorrow...lots of great items & services, because our support system is SO amazing and giving!:)

Our up to date total of money raised is approaching $17,000!!  The goal total meter on the website is not updated yet, but I wanted you all to know just how amazing people are!!  This amount has only been totaling  since August 17!!!!  WOW!  You all rock!

Monday, September 27, 2010

on to the next event...

Ok everyone..now we are on to planning a poker tournament WITH CASH PRIZES and an auction/raffle dinner type of event.  More info coming soon, but keep this in mind...

Let everyone know about the poker tournament...will be a GREAT time!

The dinner will also provide childcare with super fun activities for the kiddos...there will be some awesome prizes that you have a chance to win...

Info to follow, once details are finalized!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

oh what a day!

Thank you thank you thank you!!  If I went through individually to thank everyone, you would not have time to finish reading the list!!  But a few thanks you's are necessary!

 All donors~ THANK YOU!
Cornerstone Church & Dwaine C.~THANK YOU!
Scott Severance~THANK YOU for the truck!
Dad/Mom/Sis/Gma/Gpa/Aunt Dorothy~THANK YOU for all of your help setting up, tearing down, and working the sale!
Cliff & Shay~THANK YOU for coming out at 6:30am to help set up, even on your birthday Shay:)
Erin, Caitlin, Barb & Allie~THANK YOU for your help all day...you made the sale run smoothly!! Truly,                                                                                                                                                                  you gave up your entire Saturday to help us...it's amazing!!
Cris Hanover & Uncle Jorge~THANK YOU for helping us pack up!!
Christina Pittman~THANK YOU...you went above and beyond gathering donations from people who don't even know us..all because you have a big heart.
Nicole & Kevin Fitzgerald~THANK YOU! You know why, and your generosity is overwhelming...you taught us SO MUCH...we will continue to PAY IT FORWARD, just as you have.

If I am forgetting anyone, it is certainly not intentional, but because I am sleep deprived:)...you all are so important to us AND to this process!!

Winners of the "drawing for donors" are as follows:)

$25 North Eleven~ Mike & Pati Carnago
$25 North Eleven~Kelly & Brad Smith
 2 all day passes to Surfari Joes~ Deb & Dennis Paquette
 2 all day passes to Surfari Joes~ Jess McCorry

We made just under $2300 today...what a huge blessing to be able to put that into Dasha's account...at a rough estimate, we are right around $14,000 earned so far!!

Thanks again everyone...we cannot express our gratitude.  And with that, I am off to sleep for what I hope will be SO MANY HOURS!:)

Friday, September 24, 2010

here it is...

2:15am and Al  I just finished loading everything into the trailer...well, let's give credit where credit is due...AL just finished loading everything:)...my packing skills aren't so hot, especially when we have SO MUCH stuff...you people, your generosity is humbling...we were not prepared for such an outpouring of support through donations for the sale...thank you doesn't even begin to cover it...you should know that when Dasha arrives in the US, walks into our home, sleeps in her bed (of course after being tucked in, hugged, and smothered with "I love you's") it is because of EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO HAVE SUPPORTED US! Not just monetarily, but also with love and prayers. We are ALL instrumental in saving the life of this beautiful girl.  You know that..when you look in the mirror, and real hero is looking back at you.

Our babysitter will be here at 6:30am...we will head out then...sale is from 9-3...really hoping for an awesome turnout...keep the sale in your prayers, that God would use it to open hearts!!

Thanks to everyone, you know who you are...we truly love you all.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A BIG thank you...

to Cornerstone Church in Portage for allowing us to use not only their parking lot, but also tables and restrooms for our volunteer workers...your generosity is MUCH appreciated!  Thanks also to Mia for sharing our blog!

Come out to the sale everyone, the variety is HUGE, there will be something for everyone:)

Saturday, September 18, 2010


this is the link to our interview with Kyle Douglass, Executive Director of Orphan Justice Mission


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10 things I would say to Dasha right now...12 if you want to be technical:)

1. That we LOVE her little voice. I can still remember hearing her say "thank you very much"
2. That we look at her pictures SO MANY times a day.
3. That she is beautiful.
4. That she reminds me so much of Gracie.
5. That I walk into her bedroom about 4x a day, thinking of how nice it will be to walk in there in a year, and see clothes scattered everywhere, bed unmade, and pictures of memories made on the walls.
6. That we decided a few nights ago it was a good choice to put the egress window directly under the window where OUR bed is so that we can hear it opening at night...no teenagers will be sneaking IN or OUT of this house!:)
7. That we wonder every single day how no one has snatched up this amazing child, to make her part of their family.
8. That selfishly, we are glad that no one has adopted her thus far..because now we get to.
9. That we feel like she has always been OUR daughter, but she went away on a trip and is having trouble getting home.  That it IS possible to miss someone you have never even hugged.
10. That we just love her. That we cannot wait to see her, and to bring her home to her forever family.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

good weekend at The Wine & Harvest Festival

We had a good few days at the festival..we sold some t-shirts & bracelets, and also accepted some donations.  Thanks SO MUCH to all who supported Dasha!  We have a few special thank-you's to give..

Aric Nesbitt~I met him when I was being interviewed by the local newspaper.  He took time out of his day, which I am willing to bet is always jam-packed, to speak with me about our situation with Dasha. Aric was extremely supportive, and offered advice.  I saw him at the festival, he came up to me, REMEMBERED MY NAME and again, spent time talking with Al & I, and introduced us to a colleague of his.  You want to talk about a stand up guy...here you go.  In two meetings with him, I am beyond convinced that he is an individual who cares about people, and cares about his community.  Democrat or Republican, we ALL appreciate a good human being...see what he is all about! http://www.votenesbitt.com/Nesbitt/Home.html

Susan & Bob Wojcik~An amazingly generous couple, who show so much support for Dasha.  They own a resort in Lawrence, MI..if you are looking for a peaceful time away, check them out..you will NOT be disappointed!  http://www.oakcove.com/

Courtney Buhl~Owner of The Sugar Bear...so generous to let us set up shop on her property all weekend...what a great family..when you come to Paw Paw, make sure to stop in and eat there..delicious food!!  http://sugarbearpawpaw.com/page/8033-Home

Thanks again for all of your support!!  We are unbelievably excited to tell Dasha how many people supported her journey to the USA!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

rain rain go away

so that we can get set up at the festival to share Dasha's story!  It is nasty out today!!  Trying to find a tent or canopy so that we can protect the shirts, flyers and bracelets...oh yeah, and so we can stay dry too!

Friday, September 10, 2010

1st portion of the home study

is complete!  Now we just have to finish a few documents, and we will get moving forward!  Loved our social worker!!:)

We had a good first night at the Wine & Harvest Festival...selling some t-shirts and bracelets!!  Also received a few donations...looking forward to a full day out there tomorrow...rain, please save yourself for another time!:)


today....keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Egress. Check!

Thanks to Uncles Matt, Scott & Sean!!  You guys rock!!  In one day, Al & these boys got the egress window in!!  Dasha's room should be complete by Friday!!  We really appreciate your hard work guys!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Laboring, on Labor Day Weekend!

Bedding. Check.
Furniture. Check.
Paint. Check.

Getting started today on painting Dasha's room!!  Couldn't be more excited:) Because Al was sick, the window did not get completed (or even started)...hopefully that will be finished Sunday!  Either way, today I become an artist..time to get my painting cap on!!:)

We ordered awesome bracelets, and OJM http://www.orphanjustice.org/ (seriously, check them out..amazing!) ordered some pretty awesome t-shirts..yellow of course, Dasha's favorite color!  We will have links to both on our websites soon, so that you can order them...to save a young girl, I think you can manage some sweet new gear in the process:)  We will also have them at The Wine & Harvest Festival and "The Big Sale"!!

You know, that Dasha has NO idea we are keeping our promise??  We've had no contact with her since she's been back to Ukraine.  I just pray that God gives her a sense of comfort and assurance..as hard as I sometimes think this is for us (not bringing her into our family, but raising the funds to do so) I cannot even imagine how hard it is for her.  A 15 year old  in an orphanage, STILL...well, she probably doesn't have a  whole lot of faith in people...that will change!

Keep on praying people!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sale September 25...

Hi everyone:)

Sale details are finalized!!!

When: Saturday September 25     9:00am-3:00pm

Where: Cornerstone Church 1809 Romence Rd Portage, MI 49024

All proceeds go to Dasha's adoption fund.  Please come out and support us, see if you can find your treasures!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big things are happening:)

WOW!  What a day!!  Let me just go ahead and update all of you faithfuls:)

First of all, I spoke with the owner of The Sugar Bear in Paw Paw, all of you Van Buren County folks know that place...best ice cream shop around...not to mention the food (Zesty Chicken Feta Wrap, TRY ONE!), and the service is second to none..anyway..she was generous enough to agree to let us set up a table on their property for the Wine & Harvest Festival (Sept. 10-12)..we will be presenting info, and getting Dasha's story out to the public...thank you Courtney!!  Your support is amazing!

Secondly, the Courier Leader Newspaper contacted us, and I am meeting with them on Thursday.  They will be doing a story on Dasha!  Thanks to our local paper for your support!

Thirdly, we partnered with a non profit organization called Orphan Justice Mission today.  We will be working with them to bring Dasha home, and help orphans across the world.  Al and I believe in this cause, and long after Dasha is home (and you bet she will be!) we will be working with this group of caring people to reach orphans.  From now on, all donations will go through them (and yes they will be tax deductible..for those who have already donated, you will be receiving a receipt too!)  I encourage you to check out their website...we will be part of it soon!       http://orphanjustice.org/

We will have more details soon on the sale, and other fundraisers in the works.  Those of you who have items you want to get rid of, think about donating them to our sale....we will even pick them up so you have no worries! Everyone who donates will be entered into a drawing to win some pretty cool prizes!

On a side note, a friend of mine has a big day tomorrow.  Her 6 month old daughter Violet, has some tests tomorrow that will determine her future (she has cancer).  The short story is that they need her results to show NO blast cells, so that they may proceed with a bone marrow transplant.  If they do find blasts, the chance to cure baby Violet is very slim and her mommy and daddy might have to make the choice to simply give her the best quality of life while she is here.  I am asking everyone to pray for Violet right now as you read this, pray for her tonight & tomorrow, continue to remember her every time you pray.  The power of prayer is STRONG!  I believe in it, and I ask you to do the same...

Monday, August 30, 2010

work work, all day long...

Not too many updates right now.

Al is extremely sick, I am on my own.. so I am trying to get as much paperwork done as possible in between playing with the girls, feeding the girls, and changing some awesome diapers!!:)

I have a checklist that needs to be completed for our home study on Sept. 10...I LOVE when I get to cross something off of it!  What a great feeling...

We are applying for a few different loan options, even though we know the chances are slim.  I guess good credit really doesn't matter if your ratios aren't adding up. Hmmmm:)  We joined a co-signer service..sounds crazy, I know.  But we were told that because our credit is good, if we can get someone to co sign, chances are high that we would be approved.  Basically we pay this person an upfront fee..usually a few thousand dollars, and then we also pay them a monthly fee (on top of the loan payment).  Not our favorite solution obviously, but for Dasha, we would do it in a heart beat.  So far there isn't a match..they pair you based on loan needs and what the co signer is willing to sign for.  But we remain hopeful..keep your fingers crossed!!:)

We are having a big sale at the Cornerstone Church parking lot on Romence Rd...sometime in September, more details to come soon!!

We cannot wait until we are allowed to write to Dasha...

Friday, August 27, 2010

How much fun

was tonight!!  Allie held a prayer group at our house, and it was powerful!  Thanks to Allie, Bess, Mich, Scott, Shaelie & Cliff for coming out to support and pray for Dasha...really, prayers went out to her, and ALL orphans in the world..we prayed for the  Bruski & Lambarth babies on their way, we prayed for baby Violet, Amy & Justin, we prayed for some friends of ours who are desperately trying to have a baby, and dealing with a lot of heartbreak along the way.  We all prayed for Mich, Lucy & Max, and we also praised God for giving Mich the strength to breath, when she otherwise might not.

Our specific prayers for our Dasha include the following:

That God would provide the resources to get her here, in time.  Not that He "make people give us money"...but that he provide us the strength to keep working hard to raise it.  That he would open our eyes, and open our hearts, to work through Him and figure it out!!

That God would provide understanding to those who do not support us in this journey..that He would find his way into their lives, so that they too, could feel what we feel.

That God would give us a gentle nudge, when we feel discouraged or stressed.  That when we feel too tired to fill out that next form, He would remind us that we are never as stressed or discouraged as Dasha might feel.

That God would help our daughters to understand why mommy and daddy have to go away for a few weeks, and that they would feel God in their hearts, and feel the extreme amount of love that we have for them...that they would be thankful for everything that they have, and want to give back to others (namely Dasha in this case:)

Our biggest (if you can say that about a prayer) prayer is that God be with Dasha, and give her peace and comfort until we get there.  She has no idea whether or not we are following through with our promise...we have had no contact with her since she's been back in Ukraine..we pray that God holds her heart together, until we get there to hold her in our arms.

Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support...

Just have to say..

Our to-do list is about a mile long today...and the ONLY thing I can focus on is how Dasha is touching people's hearts, everywhere.  People she doesn't know, people WE don't know...I am humbled, truly.

In our mail today was a donation from a high school friend of mine, who is literally living at a hospital in Kansas, because her BEAUTIFUL baby girl (6 months old) is fighting cancer, and has been, since before she was even born.  My friend and her husband have every reason to shut out the entire world, and focus on nothing but their angel..but instead, they took the time to be unbelievably caring and generous.  You can't imagine our emotions when opening up their card..  We ask you every day to pray for Dasha..with that, I ask that you also include baby Violet (or as Bella likes to call her, Biolet..and yes, she can say her V's:)  We say that God will never give us more than we can handle...He must know that Violet is like superwoman or something, because that little sweet-pea has had a rough start..she will undergo a transplant very soon...please remember her when you pray to God.  I am in awe every day at the strength shown by Violet, and her mommy & daddy.

We also opened up a donation from our sister in NY...we haven't always been there for each other, and it has been awhile since we've spoken.  It's amazing how something like this, puts everything else into perspective.  What an amazing young woman she is, to donate even when she is trying to make it financially herself.  I have no words (which is not common for me:)..

All of our donations are equally important, and equally valuable.  I just felt compelled to mention these two, because of circumstances surrounding them.  It is consuming my mind!

Thanks to all of you who have donated, made suggestions, and helped in any way possible...we value and love you all, whether or not we have ever met.

It's Go TIME!

Good Morning all!:)  As if we weren't annoying you enough, we are about to get really aggressive in our efforts to raise money!!  We have discovered that when we go to Ukraine to legalize, finalize, and bring Dasha home (required that both parents go), Al will have to take an unpaid leave of absence...it will also affect our health insurance.  So if we pay for this adoption within the next few weeks, there is a chance we can make the trip over Christmas Break..not to mention that doing it this way, Al wouldn't have to miss too much of his first love, wrestling!:)  Al is coming up with every idea under the sun...and we are getting great ideas from our friends!  All suggestions welcome!:) We are researching different loan options too..

Tonight at 6:30 our friend Allie will be holding a prayer group at our house (feel free to attend).  A special thanks to her, as she is about 39 weeks pregnant, with a toddler, and still working hard getting Dasha's story out to everyone she can think of!  Her help has been just amazing!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


After a week straight of nothing but phone calls, emails and paperwork, I decided to concentrate on something fun for Dasha.  So Gracie and I picked out her bedding, sheets, and decorative pillows...we had a great time!!  Gracie also gathered up several of her treasured belongings, and said she wanted to give them to Dasha...do we have the sweetest girl or what??!  I nicely informed her that I don't know if Dasha would be too interested in her owl beanie baby, that could probably use a swirl through the washing machine:)...Gracie is SO excited to bring Dasha home, we all are!

Thanks for two more donations today...I continue to be amazed by the generosity demonstrated!!  Also have people offering fantastic fundraising ideas...super helpful!!:)

We are partnering with Orphan Justice Mission, and your donations will start to go through this organization.  They will all be in Dasha's name, and will benefit her 100%.  However once we have her home, safe and sound...Al and I will continue working with this organization to help them raise money for orphans everywhere!  Anyhow, more info soon!!:)

Please say an extra prayer for us today...we MIGHT have a financing option working out tonight...will know more later.

Thanks to everyone, for everything!!:)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Technical difficulties!!

Elizabeth, writeaway & Chase~ for some reason, my blog is not allowing me to respond to comments, so it looks like my response to each of you will be front & center:)

Elizabeth~thank you SO much for your generosity..I could go on forever about how much it means to us, but since you've met Dasha, I would guess that you already know:) I can't wait to send you pictures & Skype when she is a Michigander:) Would be amazing to plan a trip to visit Raleigh at the same time!! Can you please email me your address? daniellelittel@yahoo.com

Writeway73~THANKS so much!  We can definitely arrange to pick them up!!  We have an Envoy and a trailer, so no problem!  Can you email me, and we will figure out a time??  Thanks a ton!  daniellelittel@yahoo.com

Chase~Great ideas!!  Thank you so much, we will be praying for you as well!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pass on any funding ideas please!

With each donation we receive, I am amazed by the generosity!  Many have been from people we don't know (thanks Allie & crew, your hearts are HUGE), and most have been from people who have bigger hearts than bank accounts!! Just goes to show that God is good, and I believe He wants to bring Dasha to Paw Paw!

The last 2 days have been pretty stressful for me..Al is doing more than his share to try and keep my spirits up.  I am realizing the gravity of this whole situation, and I am nervous that we won't raise the money in time.  I saw pictures of homeless teenagers on the streets in Ukraine, and I have been down ever since.  BUT...Al keeps reminding me that we told Dasha we were coming for her...so it keeps me focused:)...I am looking for an evening or night job if anyone has any suggestions..my daycare will close about 5:45pm.

It has been suggested that we get Dasha's room set up for the home study...we have a frame/mattress and I believe a headboard now (a woman on craigslist was SUPER generous and cut her asking price in 1/2!!).  We still need a desk, dresser and nightstand..they can be old because we LOVE to paint and restore...adds character to the bedroom!

Thanks everyone!:)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hard at work..

2 more donations came in the mail this morning:)  thanks so much for opening your hearts to help us, help Dasha!  We are back to work this morning...I am on the phone with about 100 different people:) and Al is setting up the egress installation...that should be in Thursday!  Keep the prayers coming!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emotional Day

Today, we realized just how invested our hearts are...after church, we went into the prayer room and WOW...that was a gut check.  We stayed up last night, researching different stories about girls after they are released from the orphanages in Ukraine..the pictures and articles we found will never be forgotten.  I hate thinking about Dasha living anywhere but here, with our family.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thank you...

Can we please just say THANK YOU!!  How wonderful to go to the mailbox this morning and receive 4 donations...two from people we don't know (thanks Adelphic Brothers, you do know how to stick together), one from some awesome friends of ours (mama is in school and they have two teenagers!!) and another from one of my great friends who is currently unemployed, and they have two children...your hearts are HUGE!!  Thank you so much...thank you thank you thank you!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

All smiles..

We thought we would burst from excitement at yesterday's success!  So imagine my heart when I went to the mailbox this morning and opened up two donations...and then I came in to check my email, and I have someone from Paw Paw who has been praying for a solution to their daycare dilemma...God is working through those around us...you people rock my world!!

Dasha has landed safely in Kiev!  The children are now in vans headed back to their orphanages...praying it's the last time Dasha ever heads BACK...next trip, she will be headed AWAY!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wish we could tell Dasha

what an amazing day this has been for her!  GENEROUS donations, thank you all SO much!!  Thanks Uncle Jorge & Uncle Scott for working with Al on her bedroom...those boys can work fast!  All we have left is to mud and paint!!  I will fall asleep tonight feeling unbelievably grateful!  God is oh so good!

We've got a challenge!

Here we go people!

Barb & Gordon Miller have GRACIOUSLY offered to match a $1,000 donation!  So you know what that means...we need to work together to raise $1,000!

We just received a $200 donation from an Adelphic Brother of Al's so we are on our way!
Al will also be doing some work for friends of ours this weekend, in exchange for a donation...fabulous!

Let's do this!!


Today, I had a YOUNG AND SINGLE mom, who works as a waitress, offer to donate her earnings for Dasha.  WOW!!  Someone who could use financial help herself??!  How selfless is that!  A colleague that Al works with also gave us a bed and frame for Dasha...One of my best friends is going through an extremely stressful time right now, and she is still working to collect money in every way she can imagine...I am thankful, and amazed..

Open your heart..

We got to talk with Dasha on the phone last night!  For almost an hour, we listened to her show off the English that she has learned while she's been with her host family in Raleigh for the past 3 weeks...she was so proud!  Dasha can go through the entire deck of cards, and when one is shown to her she can tell you what number it is! Her favorite word is AWESOME...those of you who know me well, ahemm!  I say that word 100x a day:)  She said all of our names and "thank you very much" which was my personal favorite to hear her say!  She has such a beautiful voice...

Gracie talked to her for a little bit, and she was overjoyed.  This situation has made Gracie start to realize just how lucky she is...our little lady is SO eager to help save Dasha.  She talks about what they will do together when Dasha arrives..We are so proud of her.

Please everyone, if there is any way you can help...we truly are begging!  We are not asking anyone to write a $36,000 check...but imagine how much money we could raise if every single person gave $5!!  Spreading the word helps too..pass on our blog, talk about our situation.  Al and I will be selling items of value, and we will post the links to those on here..tell your friends and family.  I can work off donations by watching children...my schedule is quite open and I will be licensed in mid-September..I can clean..Al is all about physical labor!  Please keep us in mind if any of these pertain to you...and again, if you don't want to donate, and don't need anything to be worked off, but you would be willing to loan...we will have a legal agreement drawn up!!!  Please, don't forget about Dasha...don't let this be another young girl who is forced into an unimaginable life.

Al said to me last night that he believes his treasures are in Heaven.  I think that he and I have 4 treasures right now, and that God just blessed us with another...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

God is on our side!

Great things already happening...THANKS BEYOND WORDS to those who have already contacted us to contribute..you are so generous!  Scott and Al are starting work on the basement tonight!!  Thanks to Uncle Jorge for "constructionally guiding" us last night!!  We are filling out the VERY long home study application, and are hoping to have enough money to pay for that by next week!

The girls and I Skyped with Dasha yesterday...we put Al on speaker phone, as he has a work conference all week.  We were counseled to tell her that we are doing everything in our power to adopt her.  We had to be careful, as the adoption process can sometimes be difficult.  We don't want to falsely get her hopes up...usually it is easier to adopt older children, so that will hopefully work in our favor!!  We have 6 months before she is released from the orphanage though, so we have to HURRY!

Dasha had a huge smile on her face...if I was able to see it through all of my tears, I know it was a big one!:)  What an emotional conversation...the way we already love her, with such limited contact, is thanks only to God. Al and I both said it feels like she has always been a part of our lives...with the grace of God, we will be saying that in 3 years too...when she has become a typical teenage girl and is pushing all of our buttons!!  I truly pray for that day, so that Dasha may have normal concerns, such as which college to attend, or what color to paint her nails...NOT "where will I get my next meal?"  Or "please don't let anyone else hurt me today"...

Dasha needs us everyone...I mean, she really really needs us...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We want to make this a forever smile...

Beginning our new journey..

Last weekend, I traveled to Raleigh, NC to be with my sister as she went to thank Hope Community Church for their enormous financial and spiritual support following Paul's death.  Little did I know, my life was about to be changed forever...

Hope became involved with a host program for Ukrainian orphans.  For three weeks, these amazing kids got to live in homes, with families, and enjoy fun activities galore!  The goal was to find a forever home for each of the orphans...is most cases, this is exactly what happened.

But not in Dasha's case.
Enter God, through me...

Dasha is a 15 year old girl who has never known her father, and whether or not he is even living.  Her mother is an alcoholic who physically abused Dasha, and has since lost all rights to her.  Dasha's older siblings have no interest in caring for her.  She is in an orphanage for "slower" children...namely children who suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  However, Dasha's teacher and translator both say she is a bright girl!

Dasha LOVES music.  She is anxious to participate in family time.  Dasha is initially quite reserved when engaging in new activities, but she opens up if you are willing to join her the first time.  She is very nurturing...when she went to the lake to feed the ducks, she made sure to feed each duck an equal amount.:)

UNICEF compiled these statistics regarding the orphanage Dasha belongs to..

Of the children left unadopted:

70% of the boys will be imprisoned
60% of the girls will become prostitutes
10% of the children will commit suicide.

Dasha has never had the nurturing love of her mother.  She has never had a father to help her build a secure, and confident identity.  She is desperate to be loved and cared for...this is our chance to do God's work and make a miracle.  If we do not step in, I fear Dasha is headed for an awfully tragic life...

It is because of God that I had a blessed childhood, with parents who loved me and set my path toward an amazing life.  It is because of God that our daughters have an amazing childhood, with parents who love them and are setting their paths' toward an amazing life.  It is because of God, that our daughters are here, in America.  They are safe, happy, secure, and loved.  And it also because of God, that Al and I plan to call Dasha our daughter, and share with her, all of the gifts that we have been blessed with, through Him.

Now, let me be quite blunt in what we are searching for!!  We need financial assistance...fundraising ideas, donations etc.  We have to come up with $36,000 (top to bottom with the adoption process).  As most of you know, Al is a teacher and I stay home with our daughters.  On his income alone, we have our home loan, our Envoy loan (van is paid for) and two student loans.  So quite obviously, a bank will not be loaning us a sum this large!  At this point, and with the HUGE time crunch we are under...I feel the best way to get this moving is to be open and honest, direct, with exactly what we are looking for.  We have the means to provide for Dasha once she is here...she will have everything she needs and MOST:) of what she wants.

Needs are as follows:

1) a total of $36,000...until about 6-8 weeks into the process we only need about $5,000...so that $5,000 is an immediate need to BEGIN the process.  It takes care of the home study...

2) we need to have an egress window put into the basement, so that there is a bedroom with 2 exits for Dasha...this is a requirement for the home study. We are looking for someone who has experience with this, and would be able to give a financial break.

3) looking for help with finishing rooms in the basement...right now we have a family room and a toy room that are completely finished..we need to add a bedroom, also a requirement for the home study (that Dasha have her own bedroom)

4) looking for anyone who might need work done for them...or cleaning/watching children..anything we can do that you are looking to pay someone else for...HIRE us!!  It's a win win situation!

5) looking for donations, fundraising ideas/assistance, churches willing to ask for donations, businesses willing to donate...anyone and everyone who wants to be a part of what could truly be a miracle for this beautiful girl..

6) Al and I would be more than willing, and unbelievably appreciative, to have a legal contract drawn up (at our expense) that would commit us to paying back any money that someone is willing to loan...it does not have to be donated...we would LOVE to pay money back monthly. We are are selling my wedding rings, and Al's brand new golf clubs to raise money.  We would also give that to someone willing to loan us money, as collateral.

I know financially, everyone is struggling right now.  It is such a tough subject to approach...but God has put this upon Al and I, to save this Ukrainian girl who honestly, without us, is EXTREMELY likely to head toward tragedy.  I am praying that this is God's will, and I am literally begging help from you.  Please help Dasha...please become a part of bringing her home.
