We want to make this a forever smile...

We want to make this a forever smile...
We want to make this a forever smile...

Monday, November 22, 2010


In the past 4 months, our lives have dramatically changed.  In June, our family faced an unimaginable tragedy...I can't believe I once thought it was something we wouldn't get through...I can't believe I thought my sister wouldn't survive the loss of her husband.  What I've witnessed with my own eyes since then, is nothing short of a miracle...it's nothing short of God's work.  Since June 21st, Michelle has become a survivor.  She's strong...she's an amazing mother, daughter, sister and friend.  

God has orchestrated & intertwined...He's planned & intervened. We are moving forward in Dasha's adoption, and if you consider that everything began the weekend of August 14th...I'd say He is working quite rapidly!  The friends we've met throughout this journey will be in our lives forever. Just when Al and I think that people cannot possibly be any more generous, any more giving, any more loving...we get smacked in the face by reality!  That is exactly what you all are...a million times over.  We were blessed today by some amazing friends...I would like you all to know that we are within $5,000 of our goal...no, that's not a typo!  

We are beyond thankful to all of you, and SO many more....we are anxiously awaiting  news that the Embassy will  approve our request to adopt Dasha (becauseUkraine is halting adoptions from 11/30-2/1, we need to plead with the Embassy) , and they will make some exceptions so that we may "stake our claim" on OUR daughter.  Please keep up your prayers!!  You are all amazing!!

Al, Danielle, Dasha, Gracie, Bella, Maddy, & Kate

have fun, and support Dasha too!:)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More news...

It appears that from Nov. 30-Feb. 1, Ukraine will not be accepting adoption applications/forms.  Clearly, this puts a big damper on our "get Dasha before she turns 16" plan.  We mailed in our I600-A yesterday, but there isn't even a 1% chance we could file in Ukraine before the 30th.  Luckily, our awesome adoption agent David is working SO HARD to make this adoption possible.  It looks like Al and I might be able to travel to Ukraine in a month-ish to register with the US Embassy in Ukraine, so that we are able to proceed with the adoption even after Dasha turns 16.  This would be a 2-3 day trip, and only to get us "in" before it's too late...Dasha still won't be home until February, or even March.  We took this as a blow initially, but are choosing to move forward with the utmost believe that DASHA IS OUR DAUGHTER, AND WILL BE COMING HOME.  Until an official looks me in the eye and says "no, the adoption will not happen and we will sue you for stalking"  I will push...I will call, write, email, whoever I have to, as many times as I have to...we will not give up, and we will not lose hope....

Thanks for the prayers & support!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Prayers Please

Good Morning All~

I had an extensive phone conversation with David (our adoption agent) last night.  After well over an hour, I hung up the phone feeling a little defeated.  

Our current timeline is this...I need to drive to Novi, MI today to pick up the home study (can't waste time in the mail).  I need to mail it to the US Immigration Office today and they need to have it by Monday.  Following that, every office/officer/official/agency that we deal with needs to work about 1-2 weeks faster than the normal schedule.  When we receive our invitation to be finger printed (for the 2nd time of 4:) we need to ignore the appointment time (which is typically 3 weeks out), head right into the selected location, and wait there until they agree to fingerprint us THAT DAY.  I will also be headed to Lansing to get about 27 documents apostilled, I'm sure they will be sooo glad to see me:)

So guess what, for 2 hours last night I panicked and let fear set in.  And then I slapped myself around and realized I WOULD NOT LET THIS HAPPEN.  Dasha is our daughter, and she IS coming home.  So instead of crying the night away, I re-organized every single paper and document we have.  They are separated into a timeline, we know what we have to do, and when.  For her adoption to be completed in time, we need everything to fall into place...without any delays, and with many items actually being expedited.  So that is what will happen...I am just asking for your prayers along the way...

Something worth noting...David (adoption agent) is very encouraging.  He is realistic and honest, and tells me that there cannot be mistakes or delays.  But he told me not to give up, just to move forward.  So that is the plan. I will trust David, the expert, in a process that is so overwhelming & intimidating it's easy to get lost in the mix...

Dasha~we will not give up...it's the least we can do, for a 15 year old girl who hasn't given up either.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God's Goodness

These last few weeks have been HUGE in the adoption process.  We've been blessed beyond belief; donations from across the country, SO many people who've given us time at events & fundraisers..you all are in our hearts forever.  The prayers keep us all going:)!  I am so excited, SO EXCITED, to say that we are down to needing less than $10,000.  It is because of ALL OF YOU!  We are so close to bringing Dasha home..we'll continue to draw from our own account to add to her fund, as well as maybe 1 or 2 more events.  She has to be here by February...so we still need to push hard.  But we are 150% that our 5th daughter will be here soon.  Thank you...

I just got off the phone with one of the strongest women I have ever known.  Amy is Violet's mom...you all know Violet because we've mentioned her several times...I know  many of you prayed for her as she worked so hard to fight cancer.  Al and I asked Dasha a few months ago (in our letter) to accept our last name, and the middle name Violet.  She said she would love to:)...we wanted to also get permission from Amy & Justin.  They agreed...

We are honored to say that soon we will be a family of 7, with the addition of Dasha Violet Littel.  To us, the name Violet means strength, courage, bravery, angelic, faith, hope, and love.  It is beautiful, and is forever embedded in our hearts.  Our beautiful new daughter is named after an angel who changed 100s of lives in her 6 short months on earth.  We love the Rhoads family, and we are so grateful they've allowed us to carry Violet's name on, into our family.

God is so perfect...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Watch Fox 17!

Hey everybody!!  Don't forget to watch Fox 17 News tonight at 10pm...they are featuring Orphan Justice Mission and will be talking about Dasha too!!

Thanks to everyone for your support!!