We want to make this a forever smile...

We want to make this a forever smile...
We want to make this a forever smile...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

10 things I would say to Dasha right now...12 if you want to be technical:)

1. That we LOVE her little voice. I can still remember hearing her say "thank you very much"
2. That we look at her pictures SO MANY times a day.
3. That she is beautiful.
4. That she reminds me so much of Gracie.
5. That I walk into her bedroom about 4x a day, thinking of how nice it will be to walk in there in a year, and see clothes scattered everywhere, bed unmade, and pictures of memories made on the walls.
6. That we decided a few nights ago it was a good choice to put the egress window directly under the window where OUR bed is so that we can hear it opening at night...no teenagers will be sneaking IN or OUT of this house!:)
7. That we wonder every single day how no one has snatched up this amazing child, to make her part of their family.
8. That selfishly, we are glad that no one has adopted her thus far..because now we get to.
9. That we feel like she has always been OUR daughter, but she went away on a trip and is having trouble getting home.  That it IS possible to miss someone you have never even hugged.
10. That we just love her. That we cannot wait to see her, and to bring her home to her forever family.


  1. Love love love this. Would entr more comments on this if I had reg Internet. Keep writing!! I love being updated.
