We want to make this a forever smile...

We want to make this a forever smile...
We want to make this a forever smile...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Why a daughter needs a dad...

Happy Father's Day!

I am back in Ukraine, with Al & Violet...it's been wonderful getting to see them both.

I want to take some time in this blog to talk about my husband...my husband is a man who met a single mom (of two perfectly amazing little girls), fell in love, and took the girls as his own.  My husband is a man who is now the father of 5 daughters, and not just a father...but a dad.  He is a wonderful, loving, and nurturing dad.  He is a dad that looked to sell all of his personal belongings when I came home last August, and with a straight face, said that I wanted to adopt a teenage girl. He is a dad that when this adoption is all said and done, will have spent over 2 months in Ukraine just to make sure our daughter comes home safely. He is a dad that lights up the eyes of 5 beautiful little girls every time they see him.

My husband made me believe in love again..he taught me how to trust, and that it IS possible to put all of your faith in someone, and allow them to keep your heart safe.  He did that for me, and he'll continue to do it for our daughters...how blessed the 6 of us are, to have him with us in this lifetime.

Happy Father's Day!  Court is tomorrow at 3pm...updates to follow:)  Prayers please!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Prayers for tomorrow and we anxious await word from you!
