We want to make this a forever smile...

We want to make this a forever smile...
We want to make this a forever smile...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pass on any funding ideas please!

With each donation we receive, I am amazed by the generosity!  Many have been from people we don't know (thanks Allie & crew, your hearts are HUGE), and most have been from people who have bigger hearts than bank accounts!! Just goes to show that God is good, and I believe He wants to bring Dasha to Paw Paw!

The last 2 days have been pretty stressful for me..Al is doing more than his share to try and keep my spirits up.  I am realizing the gravity of this whole situation, and I am nervous that we won't raise the money in time.  I saw pictures of homeless teenagers on the streets in Ukraine, and I have been down ever since.  BUT...Al keeps reminding me that we told Dasha we were coming for her...so it keeps me focused:)...I am looking for an evening or night job if anyone has any suggestions..my daycare will close about 5:45pm.

It has been suggested that we get Dasha's room set up for the home study...we have a frame/mattress and I believe a headboard now (a woman on craigslist was SUPER generous and cut her asking price in 1/2!!).  We still need a desk, dresser and nightstand..they can be old because we LOVE to paint and restore...adds character to the bedroom!

Thanks everyone!:)


  1. I have a desk and a nightstand...nothing too special but if somehow I could get it from Olivet to you it is all yours!

  2. I work at Hope Community Church and we are in the process of trying to adopt as well. We are doing 4 things to raise money.
    1.) Massive yard sale with donated items
    2.) 50/50 Raffle (Tickets can be any price and people can buy as many as they want. 50% of profits goes to adoption. 50% of profits goes towards winners. Maybe 25% 1rst place, 15% 2nd place, 10$ 3rd place. You can also give away donated items like a weekend at someone's beach (or lake) house)
    3.) The old faithful adoption donation letter.
    4.) Jenny and I are recording a CD or children's songs and selling them for the adoption. Just an idea. Thanks.

    P.S. We're getting ready to have our annual Mina project where the church gives out around 60,000$ and we, as a congregation, multiply it to around 4-500,000$. There will be plenty of good ideas in the coming weeks. Call LJ and ask her what others are doing.

    Good luck. We're praying for you
