We want to make this a forever smile...

We want to make this a forever smile...
We want to make this a forever smile...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hard at work..

2 more donations came in the mail this morning:)  thanks so much for opening your hearts to help us, help Dasha!  We are back to work this morning...I am on the phone with about 100 different people:) and Al is setting up the egress installation...that should be in Thursday!  Keep the prayers coming!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Littel Family,

    I am sending a $2500 check to Redline.org, with Dasha's name in the by-line. They should be able to transfer the money directly to you!

    I met Dasha two years ago (Aug 2008) and sent care packages and letters for some months after that. I love her! I'm so wonderfully happy that she has a family that wants to invite her in.

    The note I received from Dasha before I left Ukraine said..."Will you be my mother? I've always dreamed of having a mother." I seriously considered if I could adopt her, but as a single, soon-to-be med student, it was impossible (financially unreasonable, but also not possible because you can't adopt from Ukraine as a single).

    Thank you for wanting Dasha as part of your family :)

    (Amanda's sister)
