In August 2010, God put a 15 year old Ukrainian orphan girl on my heart, and also my husbands. Here we are, May 2011...and this orphan girl is our daughter...of course, if you ask me (and you should, I am her mom which makes me the boss:) she became our daughter February 23, 1995 when she was born..anyway, this blog is not specifically about here we go..
As we are driving from one part of Ukraine to another, all in search of a few documents...I am looking out my window at this beautiful country and listening to worship music on my mind is working on overdrive right now..
ADOPTION~ I cannot believe how in less than 1 week, my life has been forever altered..yes, we are gaining the perfect addition to our family!
Everyday I am looking at children of all ages who have no family, no mom and dad, no home..these kids wave and smile at us...they say hello in english just so that we might notice them. I would honestly bet my right arm that as they look at us sitting on the bench with Dasha, they are thinking "please God, why can't they be here for me?" Dear sweet children, I promise you that I wish we could..Lord, I wish we could bring them all home.
I decided to blog about my feelings..not as a lecture, not as a criticism...not even as a pep talk...just for an honest to goodness talk about the truth. WE CAN ALL DO SOMETHING, WE CAN ALL GIVE. SOMETHING.
If you have ever thought about adoption, DO IT. If it's nagging at you..if it's something you wonder about...take the leap..take the leap PLEASE.
I am not saying adopt from Ukraine..this is obviously the country for us..this is where God sent us..but thank the Lord that He doesn't designate the same path for everyone..whether it is a domestic adoption, or internatinal..whether it's a baby or a could be your 13 year old cousins' baby...IT DOESN'T's the same's the giving of your heart that makes a difference in a LIFE..My God people...we are talking about LIFE..SAVE ONE!!
In August of 2010, Al and I did not have $38, fact, we don't have that now! But how much did Dasha's adoption cost?? A little more than $38,000...and did we adopt Dasha? ABSOLUTELY. God made it possible, and He will for you too..."Our God is mighty to save."
There is no denying that Dasha is our daughter because of hundreds of amazing people..God worked through them all..a single mom in FL, who does not know me, and I do not know her...sent us a $10 check with a note apologizing for not being able to send more...ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That woman strengthened my faith in a perfect God..I will never forget her...and I will squeeze her tight when I meet her in Heaven:)
I am going to take a minute and get really honest...not to toot our horn..not to give you a little TMI:) But simply to paint a real picture for encouragment..I stay home with our 4 (now 5) daughters. My husband is a public school teacher and coach...we live on less than $3,000 per month. We have a beautiful (in my humble opinion:) home...we have 2 vehicles..our kids are involved in several extra activities...we don't vacation much, but we have an incredibly close and loving family. I get to spend everyday with my daughters, and my husband has a job that he wakes up excited to go to every morning. That being said, we didn't have $500 dollars to put toward an adoption, let alone $38,000...yet here we are...not because of anything we have done, but because of eveything God has done...I tell you this so that you are able to understand that we had to work for this..the means were not "just there" for us...The Littel Family is proof that with God, anything is possible. Especially when God works through the hearts of our family, our friends, and people we've never met...I'll take a minute here to thank YOU ALL again for your amazing, spiritual, and everything else in between...because of you...a 16 year old girl will NOT become a prostitute, will NOT be homless, and will NOT be unloved. BECAUSE OF YOU, BECAUSE OF GOD.
Sooo, not everyone is in a position to adopt..NOT because of financial reasons (I know how to fundraise if anyone wants assistance:) but some countries have strict rules on age, marriage, etc..I don't know much about adoption in the US..but I do know that not everyone can adopt. HOWEVER...EVERYONE can help in some way..there is always something you can give..always something you can do..Big Brother Big Sister, tutor an underprivileged child..take them out to eat, take them to a toy store...volunteer..check with a local church to see where they know of some need that you can help with, mentor a child...sweep your elderly neighbors porch..Mission trips~ Kyle Douglass, Darnells, Caitlin & Allie, you are heroes! Redline, Amanda~Laura~Eleni, complete ROCKSTARS! My very best friend gives to every charity there fact, sometimes I worry that she is duped into donating to charities that might not even exist:) I have several more friends who give in all sorts of ways:) We ALL have something to give...time, love, money, emotional support...a combination of all of the above...I am convinced that if we all play a role, we can change this entire failing world...I am looking around at ALL countries, and seeing kids and families who are suffering beyond belief...reach out, help just one..if each of us does...I seriously cannot even imagine the result..I think God would be proud of His children..I know He would..I know we can do it...
When we first decided to adopt, we had about 70% support, and 30% opposition from our family and friends..the people who opposed our decision had nothing but the best of intentions..but in the most respectful way possible, they were wrong...and those of us who are not doing anything to help the problems in the world now...we are wrong too...don't let the fear of the unknown stop you..don't get stuck in the feeling that you have nothing to offer...I don't even know each person personally who reads my blog...BUT I do know that YOU have something to offer someone...and it ALL makes a difference...
Again, I would like to stress this is not meant to insult anyone...but witnessing what I have these past 6 days has inspired me tremendously to encourage encourage love and support for all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and even more for those who are lost..
"There's a little flame inside us all, some shine bright, some shine small. The rains will come, and the waters rise...but don't you ever lose your light."
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